~ Wayne’s Lanes and MCUSBC ~

Presents 3rd Annual     

40 Frame Game Tournament

January – May 

Tournament runs on every Sunday,

 January – May

Check in at 1:00 p.m. with the tournament starting at 1:30 p.m.

Thursday Afternoon Senior League accepting new Members

Come join our famous Thursday Senior League tradition, where it's really a senior Nooner ! This 28-week league will teach you all the basics, plus you'll have tons of fun.

New Sunday afternoon family league to launch this summer

It's hot outside. Why not enjoy the air conditioning and bowl with your family? Our summer league is fun for all ages. Call us to find out more.

About waynes lanes

Sunday Shooters League

 accepting new Members

Come join our famous:

 Sunday Morning Shooter's League, The only Sport League for Fall and Winter.This 33-week league will teach you all the basics, plus you'll have tons of fun.

Join one of our Leagues!

Upcoming League Events 

Available Leagues

Wayne's Lanes  © 2013 - 2024  |  Privacy Policy

Old School Bowling Alley       815-337-2811

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Offering one of the most unique Bowling experiences in the area.

Established in 1941, Wayne's Lanes was initially just an idea on a bar napkin one night. But it became a reality. Now home to Eight Lanes, an award-winning bar and some of the best (and most attractive) service in town, Wayne's Lanes is considered the place to play and learn Bowling, and meet some friends in the process.

Groundhog Bowling

Jan. 30th. from 10am till 5pm.

​​Wayne's Lanes